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A video for St. Valentine's Day 2020

Love is … telling Your Story.  In fact, there are so many ways to make a love declaration or just to show how loving and caring you are about someone very special. Tell your romantic story with AVS4YOU software making a warm, touching greeting card or a charming video. A new collection of stickers in AVS Video Editor will be of great help.

Here, at Online Media Technologies Ltd., we respect and support those who are already our existing customers, those who are weighing all pros and cons before making a purchase and those who are just testing the applications or using free programs. AVS4YOU team sends all love to everyone on this special occasion.

Take advantage of St. Valentine’s offer and save 20% on AVS4YOU Unlimited Subscription.

Redeem this coupon code* – AVSLove20

Happy St. Valentine! Wishing a fantastic day to our favourite Valentines. Take care and stay tuned 🙂 🙂 🙂

*The offer ends on the 18th of February 2020.